donderdag 28 februari 2013

Nathalie & Kimberley 187

This beautiful, caring double portrait of identical twins Nathalie and Kimberley concludes their photo shoot.
Nathalie and Kimberly are the 38th and 39th Ladies behind Crystal Veil.

A word of thanks goes to my friendly neighbor Joke for giving me instruction about the use of Picasa so that I was finally able to do some basic photo editing myself.

I also wish to thank my life partner Nel for the use of her office when the cold outside became prohibitive and equally important, for her suggestion to choose identical glasses for the photo shoot with the identical twins.

Which brings me to the twin models themselves. Nathalie and Kimberly, in my honest opinion you did a wonderful job. I appreciate the open way you accepted my invitation for this quiet but slightly eccentric photo shoot in prescription glasses. I was impressed by your stamina and the way you picked up many of my instructions which lead into a different direction than you experienced during your previous photo shoots. The photo shoot got better and better as our work progressed. I also appreciate the highly individual way of posing. Each of you remained true to herself during the dress up party in often extreme prescription glasses. I  was charmed by many moments of spontaneity form your side as well. All in all you posed in over three dozen glasses, far more than what I had bargained for. This says a lot about your ability to concentrate on the task ahead. You definitely added something special and unique to my project. I wish you every success in your future modeling career!

Readers wishing to approach the models for a photo shoot:  

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