woensdag 27 februari 2013

Nathalie & Kimberley 152

Near the end of the selection process of the glasses for the photo shoot with the identical twins I thought of two cataract glasses with rather similar frames. Nathalie (left) is posing in a nameless pair called "Gaby" and Kimberley is sporting a pair of Menrad glasses. The difference of three diopters between both lenses in the Menrad glasses leads me to believe that the left lens was used for close work and the right lens for long distance. If so, this saved their first owner a lot of money compared with the cost of bifocals, and perhaps a fall on steps or stairs as well. I remember seeing ladies in cataract glasses from my youth until perhaps 15 years ago when implant lenses became the standard procedure. It was extremely hard for the owners of cataract glasses to lead a normal life because of the strong image contortions through the lenses. Neither of these pairs was used in any of my fifty previous photo shoots. The determined look of Kimberley pointing straight towards her photographer is most impressive.

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