donderdag 3 november 2011

Lucy 125

Gorgeous posing by Lucy in a pair of Zenni glasses that
Farishta chose as a present after her first photo shoot,
nearly two years ago. Unfortunately, when the glasses
arrived from China it turned out that the frame was too
narrow for Farishta to be comfortable. So she got another
pair instead and she gave me back this pair ("The glasses
with the little roses") for use during future photo shoots.
This portrait shows that myopic ladies don't need to worry
about the minification of their eyes. Here the minification is
about 12% but this is well compensated by the beautiful
frame and more important, by the focus on the model's lips.
In my instructions to the models, I concentrate on vantage
points (the "angle"), the expression of the eyes and last but
not least, the expression of the mouth. Big compliment to
Lucy for her ability to pick up these three key factors so
fast and almost effortless!

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