dinsdag 18 oktober 2011

Claudia Allegonda 043

The stranger kept watching her closely but he did not dare to speak to her.
"Is that you, Allegonda?", Claudia asked in a low voice. "Yes, I understand....
I will ask him".
"Allegonda says that she is alive and well, except for her dizzyness because of
the lenses in her new crystal veil. She asks if you can send her a different veil
in the same strength".
"No problem", the stranger said, "within a few seconds she will wear the same
glasses as your good self. The same frame, the same lenses. Tell her that she
can wear them as long as she lives. She will never need a new veil again".
He produced another pair of myodisc glasses, identical in frame and prescription
to the myodiscs on her nose and he put them into her right hand. 

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