woensdag 18 januari 2012

Daphne 045

This fine portrait of Daphne in early 1970's bifocals by
Silhouette concludes her photo shoot.

I wish to thank Daphne for her stamina and for her highly
individual style of posing. As stated before, I am always
lokking for models who can add something unique to the
diversity in my project. In her portfolio on Mayhem Model
Daphne wrote about her mission, "showing that big girls can
be beautiful". After seeing the results of her photo shoot,
Daphne said that she enjoyed the experiment. Needless to
say, so did her court photographer. Daphne, you managed
to show that big girls in big glasses can be beautiful. Thank
you so much for taking up the challenge! I wish you every
success in your modeling career. The feedback on your
portfolio on Mayhem Model has been favourable and I hope
that the comments on our photo shoot in prescription will be
just as positive. We certainly had an enjoyable afternoon and
it was great to be back at what I like best - doing photo shoots.

My concussion is still very much a nuisance and that's why I
worked much slower than usual, using more and longer breaks.
As a result, this photo shoot yielded only 45 portraits so let's
keep it at "Small is beautiful" :). Sometimes the real beauty is
hidden in the contradiction! I hope to be back with more photo
shoots when the old head has made a full recovery....

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