woensdag 27 februari 2013

Nathalie & Kimberley 104

Identical twins Nathalie and Kimberley posing in another couple of identical glasses made by Rodenstock during the early or mid 1980's. The number 513 in their "Exclusiv" series could mean that these frames were made after the preceding white glasses with the number 324. The Rodenstock company still exists and last year I asked them if they could put a year of manufacture on a number of their old glasses in my collection. Unfortunately nothing came of it. Kimberley (right) is wearing a pair of bifocals that has been in my collection for a quarter of a century. I acquired them in the late 1980's on the Amsterdam flea market "Waterlooplein".
Nathalie's varifocal glasses were a find in Bavaria, some ten years ago.

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