donderdag 8 september 2011

Douce 174

This beautiful, slightly enigmatic portrait of Douce concludes her photo
shoot which lasted three hours.

I wish to thank you, Douce, for a pleasant afternoon in my garden and
for your highly individual, subtle, consistent way of posing throughout
the photo shoot. What struck me is the contrast between your lively,
outward personality "off stage" and the introspective, almost serene 
atmosphere you created in front of the camera. It's a close style of
posing without overdoing anything. Call it "minimal art" at its very best!
A pity that you were unable to attend the opening of my new exhibition
and to participate in the catwalk. You told me during the photo shoot
that you give catwalk training - not for models but for people who may
need a gentle push in the back when they have to give presentations.
The catwalk was a success but you would certainly have added an extra
dimension to it - just like the extra dimension you have given to this weblog,
only different. I was impressed by your many achievements in completely
different fields - athletics, coaching, politics and last but not least, modeling.
You are really a multitalented young lady and I wish you success in whatever
you choose to pursue next.
All the best, and hat off for the 30th Lady behind Crystal Veil!

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