donderdag 8 september 2011

Douce 143

At some stage during her photo shoot, Douce mentioned that she likes
the colour pink so I suggested that she might try these crazy myodiscs
from Steve's Glasses Shop. Then something unexpected happened....
Bless her imagination - Douce thought of a recent Harry Potter movie.
Not to be outdone, I immediately thought of that lovely tale from the
legacy of master piper and story teller Seámus Ennis from Finglas, North
Co. Dublin. In "Don Niperi Septo" Ennis describes an old time hiring
fair where the man who hired a girl for domestic work at his "castle"
wore a hat that was coloured pink. But Douce got it her way and the
hat had a brass colour.... Anyway, the house did not get on fire, so
bless her choice!

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