zaterdag 27 augustus 2011

Bianca 172

It's interesting to compare Bianca's portraits in the "Snowy
Princess" with her portraits in the Zenni myodiscs which have
a minified but natural image of her eyes. By contrast, there is
a surrealistic glare over the eyes behind this Snowy Princess,
as if the model is wearing some strange contact lenses. But
no such thing here. None of my models ever do GOC (Glasses
over Contacts). I invited Carla to give this a try when she pointed
out that she wished to do a catwalk in myodiscs but she said there
was no need. She was right - thanks to lots of experience, self
confidence and perhaps some internal radar system she managed
to do the catwalk in myodiscs 11 or 12 diopters above her own
fairly mild prescription. This was really exceptional and I have no
intention to use the Snowy Princess during catwalks.

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