zondag 1 mei 2011

Marieke 100

It's not uncommon to see a double image of a model's eye
when she poses in myodiscs: a minified eye seen through
the corrective "bowl" and part of the naked eye next to the
lens. No such thing here. The front of the biconcave lens
looks like it's been split into three parts: (L to R) the slightly
positive carrier lens, a middle section with a Rx of -8 and a
mighty strong prism, and finally the corrective "bowl", Rx -29.
The left image of Marieke's right eye is seen through the middle
section with the prism. I had never seen this effect before so it
was tempting to capture it. The middle section is an optical
illusion, created by the difference of the curve in front and at
the back of the lens. The curve at the back side is twice as
strong and as a result, the carrier lens takes more room. The
carrier lens in front is pointing towards the edge, creating the
prism effect. Puzzling but intriguing. Thank you so much,
Marieke, for your essential role in this experiment!

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