zondag 1 mei 2011

Marieke 075

There is a story attached to these Frank Olivier bifocals
with dégradé lenses. I acquired them in Dublin, accompanied
by my then partner, a lady who was psychic. She had an
amazing ability to "receive images" when touching an object
of which the whereabouts were unknown to her. She was
usually right! After a few hours she asked me if she could try
out if the glasses had a story to tell.
She held the glasses in her hands and her look changed -
concentrated and withdrawn at the same time. After two
minutes she said, "I see a lady in a blue dress and she is
gardening in a relaxed way, cutting some roses. It's all peace
and harmony. Roses are her favourite flowers".
By the way, I have been told umpteen times that I produce the
same concentrated / withdrawn look when I play the Irish pipes.
But I can assure you: my images - if any - don't predict anything!

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