zaterdag 27 augustus 2011

Bianca 166

Bianca showing how the considerable "cut in" effect comes
back straightaway when the portrait (or in the case of the
first owner of the glasses, her image in the mirror) is not
exactly "en face". The position of the minifying bowls can
be seen clearly. The effects of the light playing in the carrier
lens under Bianca's right eye are fascinating: three bright
curved lines. Thank you, Bianca, for your patient, superb
way of posing in Lentilux glasses!

Some 15 hours ago, these very glasses were admired by a small
crowd that watched the catwalk during the opening of my new
exhibition at Friedag Optik in Nordhorn, Germany. My partner
Nel has nearly perfect eyesight through these blended myodiscs
so she can use them during a catwalk without risking her limbs.

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